Beccles u3a “Existing Membership Renewal” Form
For Payment via Bank Transfer

This form can be used for a single person or two people living at the same address.
Membership is valid until 31st March 2026.

Please complete all * Required fields.

Beccles u3a Existing Members Renewal Form 2025-26

Member 1 Details

(if change in the past year)
(if change in the past year)
(if change in the past year)

Next of Kin Details - For Emergency only (Not Mandatory)

Member 2 Details

(At same address as member 1. Please leave blank if not applicable.)
(if change in the past year)
(if change in the past year)
Next of Kin Details - For Emergency only (Not Mandatory)

Membership Fees

The following amounts include a £4:00 per person fee to the Third Age Trust.
Full Annual Membership Fee for the period 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026
Two members fee refers to both members living at the same postal address.
Please let us know if you are a registered 2025-26 member of another local u3a branch, and your individual Beccles u3a membership fee will be discounted by £4.00.

(Please Tick The Appropriate Box)

Please pay the membership fee by Bank Transfer to :
Beccles u3a -
Account number  33278068  - Sort Code 30-99-50 
 (Please put your name in the Reference Box)

Gift Aid Declaration

Are you a UK Tax payer?
If yes, you can use Gift Aid to make your membership fee go further by completing this declaration.
If you Gift Aid your BECCLES u3a membership fee the charity can claim Gift Aid tax relief of 25p on every £1 you give. All the money that we are able to generate from this source will contribute toward keeping our membership fees and costs down. To claim Gift Aid, you need to be a current UK taxpayer for each year that we are claiming.
People residing at the same address, who are both Beccles u3a members, may make a joint declaration on the same form.
If circumstances change and you are no longer a current UK tax payer. Please be aware that you can cancel the above declaration at any time by notifying (in writing) one of the following Committee Members: Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Business Secretary or Chair of Beccles u3a. Please also be aware that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid reclaimed on your membership subscription, it is your responsibility to pay HMRC any difference.
If you have previously signed a form for successive years, simply select the “Previously Subscribed” option, and we will continue to claim your Gift Aid until you notify us of any changes.
Please tick the appropriate box.
Thank you, your help is very much appreciated. Beccles u3a Registered Charity No. 1168510


The u3a is a self-help organisation and operates through the contributions of volunteers. If you are willing to help, please tick the box.

Privacy Statement

Please tick the boxes below to give us permission to use the information you have supplied in the following ways:
  * To store it securely for membership purposes.
  * To communicate with you as a u3a member.
  * To share with group leaders for those groups that you are a member of.
  * To send you general information about the Third Age Trust (the national organisation to which u3as are affiliated).

I consent to my data being used for membership purposes, as detailed above. (Please note if you choose not to consent, you will not receive our regular Newsletter and other communications)

I/We would like to receive the National u3a Magazine (distributed by National Office) and consent to data being shared with the company who oversee the distribution of the Trust magazines.

Please be advised that you can request for your data not to be used for any of these purposes at any time, by contacting the Membership Secretary by email:[email protected]
I/We accept that photographs may be taken during u3a activities and could be uploaded to the website or used in publicity material. It is understood that if I do not wish to be in such photographs it is my responsibility to make this known to the photographer at the time.

Terms and Conditions of Membership

All members must:
  * Abide by the principles of the u3a movement.
  * Always act in the best interests of the u3a and never do anything to bring the u3a into disrepute.
  * Abide by the terms and conditions of the constitution.
  * Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy at all times.
  * Comply with and support the decisions of the elected Committee.
  * Advise the Committee of any changes in your personal details.

I/We agree and will abide by the terms of membership for Beccles u3a

(Please press the Submit Button to complete your application)

On completion you will be sent a confirmation email.
Please check that you have received the email,
if it is not visible then check your Spam Folder.

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