Home -:- Group Activities -:- Walks -:- Talks -:- Challenges -:- Your Monthly Best -:- Monthly Meetings

Convenor : John Salter
Meetings ; Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month.
Times : 10.00am to 12.00 Noon.
Venue : Quaker Meeting House, Small Gate, Beccles

The next group meeting is
scheduled for :

The group is currently full but we will add you to our list and let you know when a vacancy becomes available.

Who/What is the U3A Digital Photography Group ?

The aim of the group is to increase the knowledge of members, through joint efforts and topical presentations by members, or the occasional guest speaker.

We are a friendly group with a common interest in photography, some members have a wealth of knowledge whilst the rest of us just tinker as Happy Snappers.

At the end of each meeting (time permitting) members are encouraged to submit their own photographs for others to enjoy.

Remembering that we are a friendly bunch and the comments are meant to be helpful, no matter how good you are, every photo can be improved.

Bring your own compositions in for comment and appraisal.

If a member would like their photographs to be displayed on this website, please Contact the Convenor for detail of how to send photos.

Product of u3a Beccles

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Last Updated 26/06/24

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